
Edmond – the Open Research Data Repository of the Max Planck Society

Edmond is a research data repository for Max Planck researchers. It is the place to store completed datasets of research data with open access. Edmond serves the publication of research data from all disciplines and offers scientists the ability to create citable research objects.
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41 to 50 of 204,711 Results
Gzip Archive - 1.2 GB - MD5: 0e1b15d1acb7376749ba53a424832535
Markdown Text - 1.6 KB - MD5: a1e3c44f5c24ea51f2d2ffff6b6e4409
ZIP Archive - 3.8 KB - MD5: 764eafa21ccaee9a43763b69705325aa
Subject Beta files
ZIP Archive - 84.8 MB - MD5: 9482730453e8028649a16cfe56f3924f
Localization results for the videos
ZIP Archive - 15.1 GB - MD5: 2a6f3104ac7860c05830eaeb98b2ba16
Videos from the head-mounted camera
ZIP Archive - 7.5 KB - MD5: 1ab1e39073e5db82ec081383a556e131
Initialization files
ZIP Archive - 3.8 GB - MD5: 7d8cb27b729b169b8db51a1b04ad0f6e
IMU data in the form MVNX files
ZIP Archive - 1.1 GB - MD5: a58380bc607b0e32e83bd89613406d48
Scenes used for optimization
ZIP Archive - 287.8 MB - MD5: 9a10280cb70e24100abda49f3fc3378f
HPS results
ZIP Archive - 304.9 MB - MD5: 6f93a2cb75a9cc3b82127e14d352ddad
Original IMU poses (adapted for SMPL)
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