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31 to 40 of 36,603 Results
ZIP Archive - 955.5 KB - MD5: 07b793750d581bf484b802e3565bdac0
Code to simulate mathematical model for plk1 inhibition
Markdown Text - 1.6 KB - MD5: 39fae4cf52a5616b98fc54297c5ddd16
Description of zip file content
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 26.9 KB - MD5: d246d264714faee4613187f1af305fdf
Raw data of the hardness of each concentration
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 30.3 KB - MD5: 6d156b153a5219635799124df2815882
Raw data of the larval survival in each petri dish
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 34.5 KB - MD5: ec43b0b8acf1c97cf584008563dc088d
Raw data of the number of eggs laid on only sweet substrates
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 16.8 KB - MD5: e26c037aa2f0ff70f07cd7c4ed79c0bf
Raw data of the number of eggs laid on sweet substrates with amino acids or only amino acids
TIFF Image - 462.6 KB - MD5: 8cbb0db3444bfd54f50cc868f1001764
SDS PAGE of Bocillin-FL labelled cell extracts to demonstrate penicillin binding of Pbp1A. To properly visualize bands, it is necessary to adjust brightness levels. Data were collected by Barbara Ritzl-Rinkenberger at Umea University under the supervision of Felipe Cava.
Gzip Archive - 1.4 MB - MD5: 6b0b771a75da91549d0ad798cdcc4eb8
This contains a detailed comparison of various measurement tools, including description and differences in packet captures created with them
Markdown Text - 25.5 KB - MD5: 6b1f9a8d6c82f0968929110ab3b9a782
This contains the description to the pcaps.tar.gz.
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