Persistent Identifier
doi:10.17617/3.TN2XNM |
Publication Date
2024-12-10 |
| Conifer transcriptome assemblies, namely from Abies alba, Abies balsamea and Abies koreana |
| Ullrich, Kristian
Scientific IT group, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
Roschanski, Anna
Experimental Plant Ecology, University of Greifswald
Ziegenhagen, Birgit
Conservation Biology Group, Philipps University of Marburg
Liepelt, Sascha
Conservation Biology Group, Philipps University of Marburg
Fady, Bruno
Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes, INRAE Centre Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Study Type
| other |
| Conifer transcriptome assemblies, namely from Abies alba, Abies balsamea and Abies koreana |
| Biology |
| Abies alba
Abies balsamea
Abies koreana
transcriptome assembly
gene annotation
transcription factor classification |
Topic Classification
| transcriptome assembly |
| English |
Funding Information
| BiodivERsA: 2012-15
BiodivERsA: 2008-8 |
| Ullrich, Kristian |
Deposit Date
| 2024-03-11 |
| Trinity, Software Version: v2.4.0
Trimmomatic, Software Version: v0.36
prinseq-lite, Software Version: v0.20.4
pear, Software Version: v0.9.10
mira, Software Version: v4.9.6
MaSuRCA, Software Version: v3.2.1_08102016
cd-hit, Software Version: v4.6.1
subjunc, Software Version: v1.5.1
picard, Software Version: 2.9.2-SNAPSHOT
STAR, Software Version: STAR_2.5.3a_modified
Stringtie, Software Version: v1.3.3b
cufflinks, Software Version: v2.2.1
GATK, Software Version: 3.8-0-ge9d806836
TransDecoder, Software Version: v5.0.1
PlantTFDB, Software Version: v5.0
OrthoFinder, Software Version: v2.5.5
last, Software Version: v1542
MSA2dist, Software Version: 3.18
phytools, Software Version: v2.1
dplyr, Software Version: v2.4.0
tidyr, Software Version: v1.3.1
ape, Software Version: v5.7
mclust, Software Version: v6.1
feature, Software Version: v1.2.15
compleasm, Software Version: v0.2.5
Embryophyta odb10, Software Version: Embryophyta odb10 |
Related Publication
| Annotation and re-sequencing of genes from de novo transcriptome assembly of Abies alba (Pinaceae)
A Reference Genome Sequence for the European Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.): A Community-Generated Genomic Resource
Adaptation to local climate in multi-trait space: evidence from silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations across a heterogeneous environment |
Related Dataset
| Abies alba: see related publication; other conifer species: PLAZA_GYMNO10.pep.all.fa; Abies koreana: SRR6781819; Abies balsamea: SRR699134; Abies lasiocarpa: |
| 48.37888889, 8.10333333, GAL1 Black Forest 540 m. a.s.l.
48.37888889, 8.10333333, GAL2 Black Forest 540 m. a.s.l.
48.37888889, 8.10333333, GAL3 Black Forest 540 m. a.s.l.
48.67611111, 8.17055556, HAG1 Black Forest 590 m. a.s.l.
48.67611111, 8.17055556, HAG2 Black Forest 590 m. a.s.l.
48.67611111, 8.17055556, HAG3 Black Forest 590 m. a.s.l.
44.30555556, 5.23777778, s9 Ventoux 1100 m a.s.l.
44.30555556, 5.23777778, s16 Ventoux 1100 m a.s.l.
44.30555556, 5.23777778, s20 Ventoux 1100 m a.s.l.
44.2775, 5.24222222, s26 Ventoux 1350 m a.s.l.
44.2775, 5.24222222, s35* Ventoux 1350 m a.s.l.
44.2775, 5.24222222, s39 Ventoux 1350 m a.s.l. |