Persistent Identifier
doi:10.17617/3.6Q |
Publication Date
2021-07-08 |
| Supplemental Data Files to Niche partioning by phototsynthetic plankton as a driver of CO2-fixation in the oligotrophic South Pacific Sub-tropical Ocean |
Other Identifier
| imeji: collection:_rDo5ch6hHYOCwfN |
| Duerschlag, Julia
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Mohr, Wiebke
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Timothy, Ferdelman
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
LaRoche, Julie
Biology, Dalhousie University
Desai, Dhwani
Biology, Dalhousie University
Croot, Peter L.
School of Natural Sciences and the Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway
Voß, Daniela
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, University of Oldenburg
Zielinski, Oliver
Marine Perception Research Group, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, University of Oldenburg
Lavik, Gaute
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Littmann, Sten
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Martinez-Perez, Clara
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Tschitschko, Bernhard
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Bartlau, Nina
Molecular Ecology, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Osterholz, Helene
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, University of Oldenburg
Dittmar, Thorsten
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, University of Oldenburg
Kuypers, Marcel M.M.
Biogeochemistry, MPI for Marine Microbiology
Study Type
| observational; experimental |
| Supplementary Files to the manuscript "Niche partitioning by photosynthetic plankton as a driver of CO2-fixation across the oligotrophic South Pacific Sub-tropical Ocean" submitted by Duerschlag et al. to The ISME Journal. Contains data tables in for Excel and csv format: Suppl File 2: Station and CO2 fixation rate data Suppl File 3: Single cell C fixation rates Suppl File 4 Statistics for Nutrient Addition experiment Text file for annotation for the 16S rRNA chloroplast tree (Fig 4) |
| CO2 fixation
primary productivity
South Pacific
ocean gyre
oligotrophic |
Topic Classification
| R/V Sonne Expedition SO-245 UltraPac (Project)
South Pacific Sub-tropical Ocean (Geolocation – Place)
0 to -300 meter (Geolocation – Altitude) |
Related Publication
| The ISME Journal |
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